The Office
What Our Patients Say About Us
I felt very comfortable being there with staff! They make you feel like family and are very caring! I would highly recommend Dr. Dow for any surgery you might need in the future!
- Diana K.
I work for a dental office that regularly refers patients to Dr. Dow. He and his staff are truly amazing and genuinely love what they do. It’s always a pleasure to talk to his front desk staff. They are polite, knowledgeable and go above and beyond the norm to assist me when needed. Dr. Dow is very passionate about what he does and is very thorough, caring and skilled. It’s an honor to work alongside this office to treat the great people in our community. Thanks, Dr. Dow and Team!!
- Dr. Gissel’s Team
Had issues for years but no dentist really noticed. Dr Dow figured out just what was wrong and fixed me right up. Also he and all his coworkers were extremely friendly and personal, and adjusted without complaint to my limited schedule. Great experience!
- Kiran. O.
This office, and it's staff is first class all the way. The manner in which an out of state emergency patient was handled was very impressive. The staff and Doctor Dow were very competent, and caring. Thank you so much.
- Edna R. W.
Super experience! Professional engaging staff put me at ease immediately. They made a surgical procedure relaxing and enjoyable.
- Wendy K.
Bone Grafting
What is Bone Grafting?
Bone grafting is a safe and highly successful procedure that involves “building up” or adding bone to the jaw. Bone grafts can be placed in a site where there is no longer a tooth or around an existing tooth or implant. The bone graft material comes from a human donor or in some cases from an animal source. The bone is mixed with growth factors to aid in healing. After the bone is placed, it is covered with a membrane, which covers and protects the new bone, and everything is sewn into place to allow for healing. Bone grafts normally take 3 to 6 months to fuse and become a strong, integrated part of the existing bone.
When is bone grafting recommended?
There are several situations in which patients can benefit from a bone graft. When you come in for your consultation, Dr. Dow assesses your bone levels and determines if and what type of a bone graft is necessary. Types of bone grafts include socket preservation to fill in bone following removal of a tooth, augmentation grafting to build-up bone that was previously lost, or bone grafting around a tooth to help strengthen its support.
Socket Preservation
When a tooth is removed, it leaves an opening in the jawbone called a “socket”. In the absence of tooth roots, the jaw bone atrophies, or shrinks. This can lead to further tooth loss, and compromise the integrity of the jaw bone.
To prevent this, when a tooth is removed, bone graft is placed within the empty socket to significantly delay any bone atrophy. Dr. Dow then covers the site with a natural fiber material that facilitates healing. After the area has healed, your jaw will provide a viable foundation for a dental implant, the one restorative solution capable of permanently halting jawbone atrophy.
Bone Augmentation
If there is significant bone loss or a very small amount of bone present prior to tooth removal, bone augmentation may be needed. Several types of bone regenerative procedures can be performed in order to increase the height and width of the jaw bone to allow for dental implants. Procedures aimed at growing the jaw ridge are often referred to as ridge augmentation, whereas procedures aimed at growing the height of the jawbone toward the sinuses is referred to as sinus augmentation.
Bone Grafting Around a Tooth (Guided Tissue Regeneration)
Guided Tissue Regeneration (GTR) “regenerates” the previously lost gum tissue and bone supporting the tooth. Guided tissue regeneration is able to stimulate growth of the gum tissue and bone previously lost to disease, injury or atrophy, by creating a more solid foundation for natural teeth and implants. The procedure is often accomplished by utilizing a membrane that is inserted over the bony defect in combination with a bone graft. The membrane effectively separates the soft tissue from the bone, thereby creating space for bone to grow. The bone graft helps stimulate bone growth or holds the space for your own bone to regenerate. By utilizing our cone beam CT scan, our ability to assess the shape, size and extent of bone loss is improved greatly.
Bone Grafting Around an Implant
If a dental implant can be placed at the same time as a tooth is removed, then healing time can be greatly reduced. Because a dental implant is not shaped exactly the same as the root of a tooth, bone graft needs to be placed to fill the gaps around the implant. After an implant has integrated, it may develop bone loss due to peri-implant disease, which is similar to periodontal disease. The treatment for this condition is often cleaning around the implant and placing a bone graft. To learn more about this condition please visit Dental Implant Problems.
For your convenience, and to speed up your visit in our office, you may read over the forms prior to your appointment. Feel free to print and sign the HIPAA and financial agreement.
Home care is very important. Please feel free to read about how we recommend you take care of your teeth and gums!
Before Sedation
Escort: You must come to the sedation appointment accompanied by a responsible adult. This escort must be able to remain in the office waiting area for the duration of your appointment, drive you home, and remain with you while you recover. Buses and cabs or other forms of public transportation are not acceptable.
Fasting: Do not eat or drink anything including water after midnight the day before your scheduled appointment. For patients with afternoon treatment, you may have a light breakfast six (6) hours prior to treatment (i.e: toast, breakfast bars) Do not consume dairy products (i.e: eggs, milk, cheese). No solid foods or liquids after that time.
Medications: Take all of your regular medications as prescribed unless otherwise agreed upon by this office and/or by your Medical Doctor. Medications may be taken with a sip of water only.
Clothing: Please wear casual, loose-fitting, short sleeved two-piece outfits that will allow us to easily apply monitor application and place IV. Contact lenses must be removed before appointment. Please do not wear fingernail polish the day of the appointment.
Health Concerns: Please notify the clinic if you have a change in health; especially the development of a cold or fever. For your safety, you may be rescheduled for another day. Please inform this office of any change in your health prior to your appointment.
Unless there is a health concern, all changes or cancellations to your appointment required at least a 48 hour notice. If you have any questions prior to your appointment please call our front desk at (541) 654-5482.
Sometimes the after-effects of periodontal treatment are quite minimal, so not all of the instructions may apply. Patients are given specific instructions at their appointments following different procedures. Common sense will often dictate what you should do. However, when in doubt, follow these guidelines or call our office for clarification. Our phone number is (541) 654-5482.
EXERCISE CARE: Do not disturb the surgical area the day of treatment. Do NOT rinse vigorously or probe the area with any objects. You may brush your teeth gently. PLEASE DO NOT SMOKE for at least 48 hours (and preferably for 6 weeks), since this may cause delayed or poor healing .
GAUZE: Bite down gently but firmly on the gauze packs for the first hour following surgery that have been placed over the surgical areas, making sure they remain in place. Do not change them for the first hour unless the bleeding is not controlled. The packs may be gently removed after one hour. If active bleeding persists, place enough new gauze to obtain pressure over the surgical site for another 30 minutes. The gauze may then be changed as necessary (typically every 30 to 45 minutes). It is best to moisten the gauze with tap water and loosely fluff for more comfortable positioning.
ACTIVITY LEVEL: Limit activity the day of surgery. Keep head elevated by relaxing in a chair or using extra pillows while in bed or on the couch. Light physical work is okay the following day after surgery. Do not engage in any strenuous activities for 7-10 days after surgery. Your body should spend most of its energy healing.
DIET: Eat any nourishing food that can be taken with comfort. Avoid extremely hot foods. Do not use a straw for the first few days following surgery. It is sometimes advisable, but not absolutely required, to confine the first day’s intake to liquids or pureed foods (soups, puddings, yogurt, milk shakes, etc.) It is best to avoid foods like nuts, sunflower seeds, popcorn, etc., which may get lodged in the socket areas. Over the next several days you may gradually progress to solid foods. It is important not to skip meals! If you take nourishment regularly you will feel better, gain strength, have less discomfort and heal faster. If you are a diabetic, maintain your normal eating habits or follow instructions given by your doctor.
MOUTH RINSES: Keeping your mouth clean after surgery is essential. Use 1/4 teaspoon of salt dissolved in an 8 ounce glass of warm water and gently rinse with portions of the solution, taking five minutes to use the entire glassful. Repeat as often as you like, but at least two or three times daily. Do not spit liquids out in a forceful manner.
BRUSHING: Begin your normal oral hygiene routine as soon as possible after surgery. Soreness and swelling may not permit vigorous brushing, but please make every effort to clean your teeth within the bounds of comfort.
Sharp Edges: If you feel something hard or sharp edges in the surgical areas, it is likely you are feeling the bony walls which once supported the extracted teeth. Occasionally small slivers of bone may work themselves out during the following week or so. If they cause concern or discomfort, please call the office.
BONE OR SOFT TISSUE GRAFT: If a graft was placed it is very important to avoid compromising the sutures and ultimately the graft by disturbing the area with food or a tooth brush. Please avoid brushing the graft surgery area until the two-week post operative visit. We make sure to add extra bone so do not be disturbed if you notice small grains of graft that escape the graft site. Please call our office if you feel that the amount of graft particles is significant.
BONE GRAFT: If you have a bone graft it is not uncommon to have residual pieces of bone that might work out. There are thousands of granules placed for the preservation of the ridge. If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact our office.
SMOKING/CHEWING: The use of tobacco products greatly reduces the success of your recovery.
HEALING: Normal healing after tooth extraction should be as follows: The first two days after surgery are generally the most uncomfortable and there is usually some swelling. On the third day you should be more comfortable and, although still swollen, can usually begin a more substantial diet. The remainder of the post-operative course should be gradual, steady improvement. If you do not see continued improvement, please call our office. If you are given a plastic irrigating syringe, DO NOT use it for the first five days. Thereafter, use it daily according to the instructions until you are certain the tooth socket has closed completely and that there is no chance of any food particles lodging in the socket.
Oozing: Intermittent bleeding or oozing overnight is normal. Bleeding may be controlled by placing fresh gauze over the areas and biting on the gauze for 30-45 minutes at a time.
Persistent Bleeding: Bleeding should never be severe. If you experience heavy bleeding it usually means that the packs are being clenched between the teeth only and are not exerting pressure on the surgical areas; Try repositioning the packs. If bleeding persists or becomes heavy you may substitute a tea bag (soaked in very hot water, squeezed damp-dry and wrapped in moist gauze) for 20 or 30 minutes. If bleeding remains uncontrolled, please call our office.
Swelling: Swelling is often associated with extractions. In the first 24 hours swelling can be minimized by wrapping a cold pack, ice bag or bag of frozen peas in a towel and applying firmly to the cheek. This should be applied for 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off. If you have been prescribed medicine for the control of swelling, be sure to take it as directed. Starting the day after surgery y o u may apply warm compresses to the skin over the areas of swelling (hot water bottle, hot moist towels, or heating pad) for 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off. *If you can take Ibuprofen; take 600 mg every 6 hrs for 3-4 days.
Pain: Unfortunately most extractions are accompanied by some degree of discomfort. You will usually have a prescription for pain medication. If you take the first pill before the anesthetic has worn off, you should be able to manage any discomfort better. Some patients find that stronger pain medicine causes nausea, but if you precede each pain pill with a small amount of food, chances for nausea will be reduced. The effects of pain medications vary widely among individuals. If you do not achieve adequate relief at first, you may supplement each pain pill with an analgesic such as aspirin or ibuprofen. Some patients may even require two of the pain pills at one time. Remember that the most severe pain is usually within six hours after the local anesthetic wears off; after that your need for medicine should lessen.
* If you find you are taking large amounts of pain medicine at frequent intervals, please call our office. If you anticipate needing more prescription medication for the weekend, you must call for a refill during weekday business hours. Due to changes in the law, pain medications can no longer be phoned in. You must pick up a hard copy and take to the pharmacy. Business hours are Monday –Thursday 7a-5p and Friday from 7a-4p.
Nausea: Nausea is not uncommon after surgery. Sometimes pain medications are the cause. Nausea can be reduced by preceding each pain pill with a small amount of soft food, and taking the pill with a large volume of water. Try to keep taking clear fluids and minimize dosing of pain medications, but call us if you do not feel better. Classic Coca Cola may help with nausea.
It is our desire that your recovery be as smooth and pleasant as possible. Following these instructions will assist you, but if you have questions about your progress, please call our office. Calling during office hours will afford a faster response to your questions or concerns. If you are having an after-hours emergency please call Dr. Dow’s cell phone at (541) 937-5417.
Payment, Fees and Insurance
We are a fee for service business and we take great efforts to provide affordable treatment options that offer excellent quality and value. Our fee schedule is carefully constructed to be reasonable and to fit into your budget. We accept insurance and are happy to help you determine your insurance benefits or file a claim.
Accepted Methods of Payments
We gladly accept all common forms of payment including Visa, Master Card & Discover.
Alternative Methods of Payment
CareCredit is a credit card available to you exclusive for health care services. With CareCredit, you can get a No Interest* payment plan if paid in full within 6, 12, 18 or 24 months.
Accepted Dental and Medical Insurances
We accept most insurance plans. Please feel free to contact us to see if we accept your insurance and about how we can help you get the most benefit from your specific policy. At no time does our office guarantee payment by your insurance company. Any statements made concerning your insurance benefits by our office are only estimates. All insurances are subject to plan provisions at the time services are rendered. Exclusions and coverage limitations may be applied when an actual claim for benefits has been received and processed by your insurance company
Periodontal Therapy
What is Periodontal Therapy?

Periodontal therapy includes the range of professional treatments performed to treat periodontal disease. Treating your periodontal disease improves your overall health and can save your teeth.
Periodontal disease, often referred to as “gum disease”, is an infection of the structures around the teeth. Although there can be signs, even the most severe periodontal disease can occur without any pain. To learn more about this condition please visit Why Am I Being Referred.
Periodontists specialize in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of periodontal disease, management of soft tissue, and in the placement of dental implants. Dr. Dow performs a complete range of periodontal services including periodontal cleanings and surgical procedures.
Treatment of Periodontal Disease
The earliest stages of periodontal disease (gingivitis) may only require a regular dental cleaning to return inflamed gums to health and may prevent the need for more invasive treatment. Scaling and root planing is a treatment for more severe stages of periodontal disease. Plaque and calculus are carefully removed off the teeth and roots down to the bottom of the periodontal pocket. This focused cleaning helps the gum tissue heal and reattach to the tooth.
Improvements in the pocketing are evaluated 4 to 6 weeks following scaling and root planing. Slight pockets are likely to improve to the point where they do not require surgery. Deep pockets, with evidence of bone loss, may require additional treatment such as periodontal surgery.

Scaling and Root Planing
Scaling and Root Planing is a non-surgical “deep” cleaning which provides more focused efforts than a standard teeth cleaning. The treatment is aimed at removing plaque and dental calculus from the tooth surfaces. These substances adhere to the teeth as sticky or hardened residues and are the result of bacterial colonies under the gums. If these plaques and bacteria are not removed frequently, they can produce acids which promote tooth decay and gingivitis. Scaling and root planing can be an effective way to treat gum disease before it becomes severe and chronic. It can also be a first step in determining the bodies ability to respond to therapy, or preparing the tissue to respond more favorable to surgery in more advanced periodontal disease.

The Procedure: Scaling and root planing is usually performed with local anesthesia and involves cleaning below the gum line. The plaque and dental calculus is firmly scraped away and the roots of the tooth are smoothed. The will help promote reattachment of the gum tissue and lead to a healthier mouth.
The Appointment Time: The procedure is normally scheduled in two separate treatment times. Typically one half of the mouth is treated at each visit.
The Follow Up: Dr. Dow likes to evaluate your response to this treatment about 4 to 6 weeks after the treatment is completed.
Periodontal Surgery
If the pocket depths are not resolved entirely after scaling and root planing, Periodontal Surgery (Gingival Flap and Osseous Surgery) may be recommended. Periodontal surgery allows the periodontist to access hard-to-reach areas, remove the plaque and calculus and replace the tissue so that the pocket is minimized. The gums are stitched into place to “hug” the teeth tightly and heal. Surgery can reduce the pocket depth and allow for easier cleaning of the teeth.

Bone Grafting and Tissue Regeneration may be possible if the bone around a tooth has been damaged due to periodontal disease leaving behind what is referred to as a bony defect. The periodontist can rebuild the support for the tooth by cleaning the defect, placing bone graft, covering the bone with a membrane, everything is sewn into place to allow for healing. If the tooth can be stabilized, kept clean and left undisturbed, then the body can regenerate the supporting structures which had been lost. For more information, please visit Bone Grafting.
Periodontal Maintenance
Periodontal maintenance is a type of professional cleaning performed by a dental hygienist following scaling and root planing or surgical treatment, with the goal of prohibiting return of the disease. Periodontal maintenance is usually needed every 3 months and alternating these cleaning appointments between your general dentist and periodontist can help your periodontal health.
Soft Tissue Enhancement
Why has my dentist recommended soft tissue enhancement?

For more information visit Why Am I Being Referred?
In gum health, there is a thick band of firm, bound down, gum tissue around the teeth, referred to as gingiva. This tissue is resistant to everyday wear and tear and helps prevent bacteria and food debris from being pushed under the gums, which could lead to an infection. Below the gingiva is loose, thin, more elastic tissue, referred to as mucosa. The mucosa is necessary to allow talking and eating, but it does not protect against bacteria or debris. You may be referred to see Dr. Dow because of inadequate gingiva, recession, inflammation, or a frenum attachment problem.
What is Soft Tissue Enhancement?
Soft tissue enhancement, often referred to as “gum grafting”, is a procedure performed to thicken the gums where they are deficient, and to cover root surfaces that have become exposed. The procedure may help prevent further recession, bone loss, infection, and even tooth loss. It may also help decrease tooth sensitivity, improve the esthetics of your smile and ensure the health of your teeth.

Benefits of soft tissue enhancement
Reducing further recession and bone loss.
Covering exposed roots to protect them from decay.
Reducing tooth sensitivity and improving esthetics of your smile.
Different Types of Grafts
Gingival Graft (GG) is a tried and true technique in which a superficial piece tissue from the roof of the mouth is transplanted to another area in the mouth that is deficient in thick protective tissue. Ouch!? Right? Not necessarily, but many people associate this type of grafting with horror stories from family and friends who had earlier versions of this procedure done in the past. Current technique still does leave a wound on the roof of the mouth, which must be cared for by wearing a plastic "guard", which acts like a Band-Aid. So why use this technique when there are newer, better techniques? In some cases, such as areas where there are significant fibers pulling on the gums, this type of grafting produces the best results for a patient.
Connective Tissue Graft (CTG) is a more elegant procedure that not only thicken thin tissue to make it more resilient and protective, it can also be used to cover roots sometimes. In this procedure a single incision is made in the roof of the mouth and the underlying tissue is removed from within that incision. The surface tissue is left in place to protect the area. The tissue is then slipped into a pocket that was created to house the new tissue and everything is sewn into place to allow for healing.
Soft Tissue Allograft (STA) is similar to a connective tissue graft, but the tissue comes from a donor allowing multiple areas to be treated and avoiding taking tissue from the roof of your mouth.
Whether a soft tissue enhancement is performed to improve esthetics or function, patients often receive the benefits of both: a beautiful new smile and improved periodontal health – your keys to smiling, eating and speaking with comfort and confidence.
Related Procedures
Dental Implants
It is normal for patients who require surgical treatment to be apprehensive about treatment. Even though every procedure involves the use of local anesthetic to profoundly numb the area and gentle techniques during the procedure, many patients choose sedation to ease their anxiety, and make the entire procedure easier to sit through.
IV Sedation: This type of sedation involves the delivery of medications directly into your bloodstream. An IV access started at the time of the procedure, allows for delivery of sedation and pain medications that act quickly and allow you to go through the procedure with little to no recollection of the procedure itself. This type of sedation is ideal for patients who are very anxious, who have difficulty undergoing dental procedures due to limited opening of their mouth, or pain on remaining open. It is also ideal for patients who have an extensive treatment plan. Because this type of sedation causes drowsiness, it is necessary to have an escort drive you to the procedure, wait with you during the procedure, and take you home afterwards.
Nitrous Oxide: Also known as “laughing gas”, nitrous oxide is used during the procedure to calm you and ease anxiety. It is quick acting, and when the procedure is finished, its effects are quick to disappear. Because of this quick effect, it is safe for you to drive yourself to and from the procedure, with no concern of drowsiness afterwards that oral anti-anxiety medications or IV medications may cause.
Oral Sedation: Oral sedative medications can be prescribed for patients who have anxiety about a procedure, and a concern that they won’t be able to sleep the night before the procedure. These medications help alleviate the apprehension that you may be feeling, but because they can cause drowsiness or alter your judgement, it is necessary that you have an escort drive you to the office for your procedure, wait with you during the procedure, and drive you home afterwards. The oral medications take time to be eliminated from your system, so some patients find that for the remainder of the day they are groggy, or tired. Despite this, many patients find that the procedure was more comfortable for them.
Additional Information
Oral Sedation Pre and Postoperative Instructions
IV Sedation Pre and Postoperative Instructions
What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are titanium screws that are permanently placed into the jaw bones to replace the roots of missing teeth. They can anchor crowns, bridges, or an entire set of replacement teeth. Implants are typically the best long term solution for replacing missing teeth. Properly cared for, implants can last the rest of your life.
Implant: A titanium post that is placed in the jaw bone in place of a natural tooth root. The implant integrates with the bone cells to form a durable anchor for your new restoration.
Abutment: Screwed into the top of the implant by your restorative dentist to hold the crown in place.
Crown: The tooth-like part that shows above the gumline. Your restorative dentist customizes the crown to look and function like a natural tooth. Dental implants are virtually indistinguishable from your natural teeth.

Benefits of Dental Implants
This procedure is a team effort between you, your dentist and your periodontist. Your periodontist and dentist will consult with you to determine where and how your implant should be placed. Depending on your specific condition and the type of implant chosen, your periodontist will create a treatment plan tailored to meet your needs.

Replacing a Single Tooth: A dental implant provides several advantages over other tooth replacement options. In addition to looking and functioning like a natural tooth, a dental implant replaces a single tooth without sacrificing the health of neighboring teeth.

Replacing Several Teeth: An implant-supported bridge is similar to a regular dental bridge, but it is supported by implants and not by natural teeth. By not involving the adjacent teeth, they are not compromised, damaged or destroyed. An implant-supported bridge will feel more secure and comfortable than a removable partial denture, which rests on the gums.

Replacing All of Your Teeth: In some cases, the entire arch of teeth may need to be replaced. Historically, many people choose to have dentures made because they felt dentures were more affordable. When you consider the additional cost of fixatives, cleaning solutions and denture replacement, as well as the disadvantages of slippage, discomfort and even pain, dental implants are a far superior solution and well worth any additional cost.
Are you a candidate for dental implants?
Dental implants are a team effort between you, your dentist, and your periodontist. The ideal candidate for a dental implant is in good general and oral health. The best candidates have healthy gum tissue that is free of periodontal disease. Sometimes preparation, such as treatment of periodontal disease or procedures such as bone enhancement, must be completed prior to being a candidate for dental implants. The periodontist and your restorative dentist will create a treatment plan tailored to meet your specific needs. A typical implant treatment plan will consist of several appointments over a period of 6 to 12 months. Sometimes teeth must be removed and occasionally implants can be placed at the same time. If implants cannot be placed because there is not enough bone then bone enhancement may be needed. Bone enhancement takes between 3 to 6 months to mature before re-evaluating the areas to determine if you are ready for implant placement. Once the periodontist is satisfied that the implants are healed and ready for restoration, you are referred back to your restorative dentist to make the final crown(s) or denture.
How does it work?
Many people realize the benefit of dental implants. Dental implants have been glorified by advertisements making them sound as simple as taking a pill or buying something at the store. The nice thing is that dental implants can be very predictable and can improve people’s lives, if they are done right. The decisions about your teeth can change your life, and implants can either be a permanent chewing solution or a permanent handicap if not planned properly. So how do you know what you are going to get? Planning, here is how.

Implant Evaluation: Dr. Dow reviews your oral health and bone quality using a 3D X-ray to determine if you are a good candidate for dental implants. At this time, we discuss your plan, including your short and long term replacement options.

Planning: The plan is created using the most advanced digital imaging
and computer technology. It can be shared with your restorative dentist and is used to create a surgical guide. This helps to provide precise, safe and minimally invasive implant placement.

Treatment: IV sedation, in addition to local anesthesia, is offered to make your experience comfortable. Sometimes, an implant may be placed at the same time the tooth is removed or in combination with bone or soft tissue enhancement.

Healing: Normal healing time is 3 to 4 months in the lower jaw and 4 to 6 months in the upper jaw. This time allows for the bone to grow and integrate around the implant. Dr. Dow checks the implants stability and tissue following healing.

Restoration: Once cleared, your restorative dentist takes an impression to make you a custom crown or restoration that fits your implant perfectly.
Procedure That Sets Us Apart
There are several unique steps that we follow in our placement of dental implants that set us apart from others performing implant procedures.
- We offer sedation options which allows you to completely relax. The area is numbed and the tissue is moved out of the way.
- The exact angle and depth of where the implant will be placed is planned in 3-dimensions digitally and a surgical guide is printed on-site prior to your implant procedure.
- Implant stability is measured using advanced instruments through out your healing, ensuring that the implant is not loaded before it is ready.
- Digital x-rays are taken throughout the treatment to ensure your healing.
- We only place the highest quality of dental implants and materials into your body.
- Once the implant has integrated, we communicate with your restorative dentist and provide the necessary components and instruments to them to ensure a smooth process.
After Receiving Dental Implants
Dental implants are like your own teeth and require you to keep them clean and plaque free with proper brushing and flossing. Periodic follow-up appointments should be scheduled to monitor your implant, teeth, and gums to make sure they stay healthy. Ask your dentist or Dr. Dow for more information on how to properly maintain your dental implants.
Related Procedures
Tooth Extractions
Bone Grafting
Soft Tissue Enhancement
Tooth Extractions
Tooth Extractions
The goal of periodontal therapy is always to attempt to save teeth that have developed gum disease and lost supporting bone and gum tissue. Sometimes, however, when so much supporting bone and gum tissue is lost the tooth cannot be saved. Teeth in this condition is considered hopeless, and it is often recommended to extract (remove) these teeth, so that it doesn’t harbor infection or have a negative impact on the surrounding teeth.
We pride ourselves on extracting teeth atraumatically. Extractions are completed with local anesthesia and sedation if needed. When the area is numb and you are comfortable, the teeth are gently removed and the sites cleaned. Sometimes it is necessary to place stitches to help healing.
Bone grafting is offered at the time of extractions to help preserve the bone where the teeth were removed. The bone graft may allow for future dental implant placement or may help to support the surrounding teeth or restorations.
The Team
The Team
Everyone on our team works hard and enjoys doing it! We all know who we are here to serve; you! I could not be more proud of our entire group of people who show up everyday to help our patients and to give our practice their all.
Front Office Team: Our front office team members do extraordinary things to make everything that we do possible. They all work hard to help make your experience a positive one.
Hygiene: We like to think of our hygiene team as the Rockstars of the dental hygiene world. Their goal is to help patients achieve and maintain the highest level of dental health.
Dental and Surgical Assistants: In addition to certification as Expanded Functions Dental Assistants, all of our surgical assistants are certified Dental Anesthesia Assistants, and certified in Laser Safety.
Shannon, Office Manager
Shannon has been on our team of experts since 2013. Being the Insurance Coordinator, her organizational and communication skills are unsurpassed. She says that her mantra is, “The only thing constant is change.” This is perfect for Shannon, as she is the person in the office who can both create the flow- and go with it.
Mariah, Hygiene Coordinator
Mariah is our Hygiene Coordinator she works closely with Savannah, our hygienist and the general dentist office to coordinate the hygiene recall visits for our patients. She came to us with experience from general dentistry and is excited to be in a specialty practice. Mariah enjoys connecting with the patients and helping make their visits as easy as possible.
Bailey, Patient Coordinator
Bailey is our Patient Coordinator. She joins our team with her great attitude and smile to greet you as soon as you come in! She comes to us with several years of general dentistry knowledge, but is eager to learn, enjoys connecting with patients and making their visits as easy as possible.
Nicky, Treatment Coordinator
Nicky is one of our Treatment Coordinators with 5 years of dental experience. She began her career in general dentistry as part of the front office team, she has transitioned to working closely with the clinic team to provide the patient experience to be as smooth as possible.
Marie, Surgical Assistant
Marie is one of Dr. Dow’s surgical assistants, she has many years of surgical experience, Marie enjoys assisting because it gives her the opportunity to get to know the patient and ensures that all questions and concerns have been answered.
Savannah, Registered Dental Hygienist
Savannah has joined our team with her exceptional hygiene skills. She enjoys the task of helping patients care for their teeth without discomfort. Savannah’s passion is to educate each patient about tools and tricks for their individual needs.
Shaylyn & Brandy, Sterile Technicians
Sterile Technician Brandy and Shaylyn are our Sterile Technician team, they provide the utmost care to each patient room set up and tear down. They are the unsung heroes of each day.
Aleasha, Insurance Coordinator
Aleasha is our Insurance Coordinator with 10 years of dental experience. She began her career as a dental assistant and transitioned to the front office. Aleasha joined our team in 2017 to broaden her skills to the specialty side of dentistry. She takes pride in easing the patient with dental anxiety at ease.